Mar 3Liked by Glenn Geffcken, Maria Geffcken

Another wise and easily perceived observation, Glenn. Thank you. Even before I read it this morning, last night after a long and thoughtful hike, I was working on my business's monthly newsletter, something I've published since 2012. For the first time, inspired by your previous insightful posts, I introduced something new, a "Dear Readers" column at the top, intended to build a community among my customers. It's a space where I can...well, here's how I phrased it: "I decided it was time to add this introspective column to the newsletter, a place where I can speak heart to heart with you rather than entice you with my wares − my experiential offerings − as I do in the columns below when I must don my "shameless self-promoter" cap. What gives me the courage to allow myself this indulgence, this bully pulpit, one might say? It's my confidence in you, dear reader, knowing when to continue reading or knowing if and when it's time for you to move on." Thanks for the inspiration, Glenn.

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